Fabrix Miss Ésandri by Sandro King DVH 855 became Best 2-year-old dressage mare in 2008 and Dressage Mare of the Year 2009.For Danish Warmblood breeders it is possible to have a 2-year-old mare appointed for the Elite Mare Show in three different ways:
- Through the farmers' exhibitions (judgment of type, walk and trot, shown in-hand)
- The DWB regions' own shows for 2-year-olds (judgment of type, walk, trot and canter loose in arena)
- The DWB regions' own shows for 2-year-olds (judgment of type, canter and freejumping)
For participation in the finals of the 2-year-olds at the Elite Mare Show, the following must be obeyed:
- The mare must be registered with Dansk Varmblod from birth and have a DWB equine passport
- The owner must be a member of Dansk Varmblod
- The appointing of the young mare can only happen at either a recognized farmers' exhibit or at a special DWB region day for 2-year-olds, at which at least 10 mares must be enrolled
- At the DWB regions shows the dressage mares must be shown loose and assessed in all three gaits, the walk is shown in-hand, though
- The mares must be judged by at least two judges from the official DWB list of conformation judges. At freejumping at least one of the judges must figure at both the list of conformation judges and the DWB list of jumping judges
- The mares must at least obtain 23 p. at a farmers' exhibit or a total score of 8 in a DWB regions' show to get appointed for the Elite Mare Show
- The mare must be appointed by the judges in public for the Elite Mare Show - not all mares with 23 / 8 p. respectively are sppointed to the Elite Mare Show. Dressage mares appointed through farmers' exhibits or a DWB regions' show must be shown loose in arena at the Elite Mare Show and mares selected through performances in freejumping must be shown in freejumping at the Elite Mare Show
- The judges inform the main office which mares are appointed for the Elite Mare Show
- The main office confirms the nomination to the mare owner and sends an invitation